
Bill Farnsworth wfarnswo at tampabay.rr.com
Sun Sep 17 07:22:00 MST 2000

i read with interest Pamel Farnsworths paper on the Farnsworth/Phaneauf family. Her info started with Mathias and ended with the Catholic churchs rescue of his offspring.  Because i am desended from the French Huguenot Farnsworth/Phaneauf side.

at an Industrial meeting in Jew Jersey I was approached by a man bythe name of Gerald Beaudrey, a Canadian wo said we were shirttail relatives His account is as follows:
During the middle ages, a traveling family was set upon by highway men and all killed except one small boy.  They used him as an advence person to gain entrance to the next place the we going to rob.  His job was to approach a house and ask for lodging because he ws orghaned and alone.  After the family was asleep he would unbolt the door and the highwaymen would pillage and kill  everyone.  When the boy grew older he escaped and went to France.  At this juncture, I was told, is when the family split ino
Catholic and Protestant groups.
In  St, Petersburg, Florida there is a family of Phaneaufs.  They also have heard the same story..
If anyone is able to corroborate this and has any other information i would like to hear from
The only knowledge have of my fathers family is sketchy.His name was Anthony Farnsworth and had a brother Andrew.  Both were born in Lock Haven, Pennaylvania.
Thank you.

W. J. Farnsworth
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