Writing a biography of Elon John Farnsworth

Kerry Walters kwalters at gettysburg.edu
Tue Jan 22 14:22:08 MST 2008

Dear Farnsworth descendents:


I'm researching a book-length biography of Elon John Farnsworth
(1837-1863), Civil War general who led and died in the famous
"Farnsworth Charge" on the last day of the battle of Gettysburg.  No
full-length treatment of Elon has ever been written that traces his life
prior to his Civil War experiences.  One of the reasons for this, I
suspect, is the scarcity of documents written by or to or about him.


I'd be extremely grateful for information about letters written by Elon
or written to him, or any other documentation that refers to him
(especially for the period up to September 1861) which may be in the
possession of his descendents.  Proper and grateful attribution will be
made, of course, when the book is published.


Thanks very much!


Kerry Walters

William Bittinger Professor of Philosophy;

Peace & Justice Studies;

Chair, Philosophy Department

Gettysburg College

Gettysburg PA  17325

kwalters at gettysburg.edu


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